Zoom Webinar
Live Seminar

Investing In Your Thirties

How to maximise your international status and secure the future you dream of.


Thursday, September 21, 2023


2:00pm GMT


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We would like to invite you to join our exclusive webinar Investing In Your Thirties, where we will delve into the exciting possibilities and advantageous wealth structuring opportunities available to you.

It’s true what they say about yesterday being the best time to start saving for tomorrow. However, the next best time is right now!

Whether you intend on building a life in your new home, are already thinking about the next step, or plan to return home in a few years, this webinar will help you learn how to maximise your international status and secure the future you dream of.

In this webinar, we’ll be covering:

  • Common money related mistakes expats in their thirties make
  • Unique Opportunities
  • What Offshore Savings Mean?
  • A Portable, Flexible Investment Portfolios
  • Planning One Step Ahead

Your Event Speakers

Join us for our latest webinar with...

Callum Murphy

Financial Planner

As a Financial Planning Consultant, covering all regions of the world, Callum reviews the position of his clients, providing advice with an international focus and allowing access to secure offshore solutions and beneficial currency holdings.

Mallard Club Event Partners

Callum Murphy

Financial Planner

As a Financial Planning Consultant, covering all regions of the world, Callum reviews the position of his clients, providing advice with an international focus and allowing access to secure offshore solutions and beneficial currency holdings.

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