Pension Review
Webinar Recap
June 18, 2021

An In-Depth Look At The New Australian Tax Residency Rules

If you are an Australian International working in Switzerland with combined assets over AUS $500,000, find out how to reduce the tax you pay.

How To Use Your International Status To Minimise The Tax You Pay

Zoom Webinar
Thursday 1st July, 6:00pm Sydney NSW
Thursday 1st July, 7:00pm Geneva CET

During the recent budget delivered on 11 May 2021, Australia’s federal treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, announced that Australia will replace its tax residency rules for individuals with a so-called ‘bright line’ test. The changes will be based on a Board of Taxation report issued in March 2019 in which a range of new tests were proposed.

If you are an Australian International working in Switzerland with combined assets over AUS $500,000, find out how to reduce the tax you pay.

The key questions that Australian expats need to consider whilst working in Switzerland are ‘how will these new rules apply to me?’ and ‘what actions could I take to reduce and my future tax liabilities in Australia?’.

In our latest webinar we will delve into:

  • The New Australian Tax Residency Rules
  • What is the so-called ‘bright line’ test?
  • How you can use your international status to reduce the tax you pay
  • Finding the best investment vehicle for your unique circumstances
  • How high earners can benefit from changes to the tax system
  • The minimum time you must hold these investments to qualify
  • Protecting your investment gains when you choose to return home

Register Your Interest In Attending Here

This webinar will be hosted by Skybound's Regional Manager and Financial Planner Ryan Donaldson who will be joined by Geoff Taylor, Partner and Australian Tax Expert .

Ryan Donaldson

Regional Manager & Senior Financial Planner

Having worked in numerous locations around the world, Ryan has first-hand experience of how to best support international investors with financial planning advice and security on a domestic and international level. Ryan creates and implements comprehensive financial plans designed to ensure your long-term ambitions become a reality and your future lifestyle is protected.

Geoff Taylor

Partner & Australian Tax Expert

Geoff is one of Australia’s leading expat tax and financial planning advisers. He regularly delivers Keynote addresses and has assisted many expats during their repatriation to Australia. A dual qualified Tax Accountant and Financial Planner, Geoff has developed specialised expertise in advising Australian expatriates over the last 14 years.

Don't miss out on this exclusive webinar, get your ticket today!

If you have any questions prior to the webinar, contact

Register Your Interest In Attending Here


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Soar Issue 2 An Essential Read For Expat Investors

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