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Investment Bonds Europe Joel

Investment Bonds Europe

How international expats in Belgium and Luxembourg pay only 2% tax on savings

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  • What is a European Investment Bond
  • How to pay only 2% initial premium tax with no other taxes to follow
  • All funds are capital gains & Income tax free
  • International Portability: compliant throughout Europe
  • Access to capital from day one, up to 75% without penalty
  • How transfers can be made in both cash and asset
  • Denominated in EUR, GBP or USD

As an expat, you are probably already benefitting from reduced tax on your income, but what about your savings? As an international worker in Europe, an investment vehicle such as the European Investment Bond is just one solution that allows investors to protect and grow their savings in a tax efficient manner.

At Skybound our aim is to make sure you don’t pay any tax that you don’t have to, and in this e-guide we look at one of the many options that you might wish to consider. Due to the potential complexities that come with offshore investing, it’s important to seek advice from an independent financial adviser before making any decisions regarding your investments.