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Dollar Cost Averaging

Why Market Downturns Can Represent Great Opportunity

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Here's what's inside.

  • How decisions based on short-term activity can be extremely harmful to your long-term plans
  • How Dollar Cost Averaging works
  • The growth experienced after a crisis historically
  • The danger of mistiming the market
  • The advantages of saving in a fluctuating market
  • Why Market Downturns Can Represent Great Opportunity

Taking Away The Emotion Of Investing

If you are able to look beyond the sensationalist headlines, investing during these volatile markets can present many opportunities.

In a fluctuating market, cost averaging can allow you to benefit from buying more investment units when prices are lower.

In simple terms, Cost Averaging is the practice of using regular deposits to help smooth out stock market investment volatility. The key point about dollar cost averaging is to invest on a regular basis.